Mojo’s Website Design

In my Web Design class I redesigned MoJo’s website which is a local restaurant in downtown Salisbury. I wanted to create a website that reflected Mojo’s colorful interior design and funky style. Each table and menu at Mojo’s is hand painted by local artists. I took most of their colors and incorporated them into my website design. The original website was just a home page with links to the menus and take out. After researching I added an About Us page that explains who the owners are, how MoJo’s came about, and how the have engaged with the local community since opening.

Below is the full home page and about us page that I created. I gathered information through researching Mojo’s origin story and supporting information since the original website did not have much to go off of. Mojo’s seems like a great business and I wanted to share that through my website and to bring their funky, colorful style to life. I also decided to redesign the menus to match the new website and the overall brand.