Hey Bud

Hey Bud is a fictional brand that is a small business started in Westminster MD. I created this brand to showcase my love for plants and floral designs. I wanted to create an all natural brand who ensured the best quality products. For this project I designed the logo and packaging for a build your own plant kit. I kept the design simple and organic using only black and tints of green. I hope that through my drawings of the plants and the floral background pattern, I created a design that is inviting and appealing.

In terms of the actual design, I added the logo on top of the box so it is the first thing seen as an introduction to the brand as well as a welcome message. I wanted to create a sense of community through this packaging. I did this by adding an about us section that explains the values of the business and how they engage with the local community by donating plant kits to schools. I added in the saying “we’re rooting for you!” on the side of the box as an encouraging message. Lastly I created the low opacity flower pattern in the background to tie the design together.

As an artist, I tend to lean towards creating designs and artwork that involve nature and florals. With that and my love for plants, I enjoyed designing this project. I wanted to make something that was simple while showcasing my style.